There are so many types of loans that you might get confused which will be the best type of loan according to your needs. home improvement loans are dependent on a few factors such as the amount of loan you want, how good your credit is and much is your home equity. Discussed below are the different types of loans so that you can decide easily.
Credit Cards
This is perhaps the easiest type of home improvement loan but the only drawback is that the interest rate is high so you probably do not want to borrow a lot of it. Try to act smart and borrow just the amount you can easily and payback. You even have the option of earning rewards and later you can pay the balance in full.
Personal Loan
This is a good loan option if you want to borrow a lesser amount. The interest rate of this type of loan is lower than the credit cards but still higher than other loan options below. You can even take up loan from your credit card and then payback through personal loans. It has a fixed interest rate.
Home Equity Loan
If you want to borrow a large sum or your home improvement and the borrowing is one time only, then you should go for this kind of loan. This loan is dependent on how much home equity you have. Then more the home equity, the more you can borrow and the interest rate is fixed. You can repay the loan in the monthly installments so this is a hassle-free loan procedure. If you take a second loan without repaying the first one completely then you will get a higher interest rate for the second loan as the second mortgage rate is higher.
Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC)
This kind of loan is similar to that of home equity loan but acts like a credit card. The drawback of the HELOC is the uncertain interest rates, which is not stable and can rise suddenly which will be a big hit at the time of repayment of loans. Only take this loan if you have a lot of equity to borrow against it and you can continuously pay off your loans. There are two stages to this loan, a drawing stage where you can use your loans continuously and the payment stage where you cannot borrow but have to repay the amount till it is completed.
Home Improvement Loans
These are the simplest form of loans which are lent for only home improvement purposes. This loan also has a fixed interest rate which should be paid over a certain period of time. There are no closing costs associated with home improvement loans. The only drawback to this loan is that you will not be able to get the loan you asked for depending on your home improvement project however, it is still hassle free loan with ease.
Posted by Randy Blakeslee - GetnSocial